Hi there .... I'm back 👧👧 ..... so, shall we have a look at the 2 bathrooms in my Mountfield Dollhouse ?
OK, let's go ..... and in case you wonder why there are 2 bathrooms in this house, well, simply because I thought : Why Not ? 😀 and come on, the second one is not really a bathroom, it's more like a second toilet with a sink, for guests f.ex.
And our lady of the house .... her name is Yolanda by the way .... is being a tiny little bit spoiled by her husband, so the poor guy mostly uses this 2nd bathroom, unless he want's to take a bath of course.
So, this is the main bathroom of the house, with a wonderful shabby style bathtub. Just like in the other rooms, there are just a few details missing, like the cornice .... yeah yeah, I know, but what can I say : I just hate cutting those damn things. I always end up with 2 left or 2 right sides pieces but they never fit and in the end, they are too short because I keep cutting and cutting .....
This is Yolande by the way, she's getting ready for bed I think.
I made many many items for this room, like all the bottles that you see on and on top of the shelves, the little chest in the right corner etc. It was really fun to create all these things and that way, I have my accessories the way I want them.
Again I used just a piece of floral wallpaper with a rose pattern just for this wall where the sink stands, but I left the other walls blank, just painted.
I had this table in my stock of unfinished furniture (you can find those at the Dollshouse Emporium, look for "Bare Essentials" under Furniture), so I just bought the sink and after painting the table and adding a few details, I simply glued the sink to it and voilà 😊
Once I had installed the tub, I somehow thought that this wall looked a little "empty" so I wanted to make a little wall rack or a simple shelf. I started from there and painted a piece of wood, added some lace around it and made a few items to put on it, once it was glued to the wall.
But it still looked empty and so I went through my many many boxes with all sorts of mini stuff and I found those two beautiful brackets. They are made of plaster and were plain white, so I added a little color and put 2 of my DIY canisters on top and there you go : no longer an empty wall
This picture gives a better look at the shelf and all the items I made.
Some time ago, I looked for a way to make these bath soap bottles. There can be soap in them, shower gel, shampoo, bath salt, all sorts of liquids you might need in your bathroom.
When I make them myself, I can choose the color I want, which is really great.
I admit, it is a fiddling job and not as easy as I first thought,
but I managed to make a lot once I got going.
Here's a closer look at the little chest I made. The red one ended up in another room of course.
I made these out of empty matchboxes, with just a little colored paper (which you can easily do and print yourself .... and it's really unexpensive), some lace, acrylic color and a few jewellry findings.
This cute little basket is made of thin cardboard, dotted paper I printed myself, a little trimming and you're done. The towels are made out of old washcloths.
Here we are in our second bathroom, or as I said before, the guest toilet.
I used the same technique to make the sink, using a nice table (in fact, this one here is the same than the one's I used as bedside tables, just painted differently) and gluying the sink onto it.
Needless to say that the shelf has been filled with lots of DIY things ..... ah I just love that.
Maybe I should make more of those and sell them, what do you think .
This photo gives a better view of the sink. I found that beautiful mirror in an online shop and I just had to buy it. It just goes so well with the sink. I had some doubts in the beginning that it wouldn't look good on the floral pattern of the wallpaper, but once I tried it out (always do that before I glue anything on, trying around with all the accessories to say which way I like them) I was very happy with the end result. I just made the little wall shelf and glued it right underneath the mirror.
This is a very simple way to make a little side table : the bottom is made with an old chess piece (had to cut it in two f course) and the table top is a simple round piece of wood which is available at many stores. I found these on Amazon and they are very useful to a miniaturist, believe me. They come in packages of 50 or 100 I think.
The bowl is another DIY item ..... I'll give out my secret on how I made those later
in the DIY section.
Simply filled the bowl with tiny tiny little sea shells .... a friend once brought those back from a beach where she spend quite some time, I guess, picking those up.
Here's a closer look at the shelf. It always gives a nice touch to add pieces of wallpaper (what else can you do with leftover pieces, haha) to the shelf, as you can see here. The items inside ..... what can I say .... just love making those.
I hope you like my little bathrooms and enjoyed the tour.
Please feel free to get in touch should you have any questions.
Sometimes I make too many of my DIY items, so just ask .... maybe I have a few left to give away
Next up ..... the hall
so stay tuned
See ya ......