Hi there
Today I'll show you how you can easily make a nice wooden floor for your dollhouse rooms without cutting every single piece or buying one that isn't gonna fit into your room anyway
I found bamboo placemats in one of the drawers of my kitchen some time ago. Since we never used them anyway, I decided to make something else with them
These placemats are made of wooden bamboo pieces, held together with some sort of thread, which needs to come off first. The entire thing will fall apart and you'll have your pieces ready to make your flooring, yeah 👍👌👋
This picture shows the before and after effect. On top is the floor for my dollhouse, where I only used the wider parts and below is before cutting of the thread.
I always use double sided tape for this kind of project. This way I avoid having glue all over my fingers and all over the floor for my dollhouse too. Just put the double sided tape on a piece of cardboard (not too thick though, about 1 mm is enough) and start gluying the wood pieces on top.
Then stain or color .... your choice
This is what the floor looked before I stained it. I wanted to have light tone here. So 2 coats of stain are more than enough
An this is what the floor looks once put inside the shop (using double sided tape again, makes it easier of one day you'll decide to change it)
Used the same bamboo place mats here ..... for the entrance of the shop
finished it with white paint.
I hope these little tips will help you next time you want to make your own wooden floors for your miniature projects
Enjoy and stay tuned, there's more to come
See ya ...