About Me

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I've been into dollhouse miniatures since the early 1990's now and when I realized how much I've learned during that time, I thought I'd make a blog to share my knowledge with others. I'm mostly auto-deduct, but always found help on the Internet and in specific books. The mini-world starts and ends with your own imagination, so let there be no limit. And never say : I CAN'T .... because you can, you just need to try and have the necessary know-how. And that's the main reason why I started this blog, because I wanna share what I know with newbies in the miniature world or anybody else who might be interested in sharing what I've learned so far. So, hopefully, I'll be able to provide some useful hints, tips and tricks for those of you out there just starting with this wonderful hobby

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Blog Archive

February 4, 2015

DIY Clear Vanity/Soap/Shampoo bottles, pink version

Once I got going, I just couldn't stop 😄😉

you just gotta be careful when mixing the resin with the color ..... it really needs lots of stirring

The tutorial is in LINKS section (englerminiatures)

February 1, 2015

DIY perfume bottles

Hello and welcome back

I'm sure all you crazy miniaturists out there probably already know how to make these little perfume bottles and to be honest, this post was not about givin

These little perfume bottles are always fun to make and I have a project in my head for a new shop, so let's see what will come out of it

here are a few I've made already

Here's another example of how you can let your imagination take over when it come to making exquisite perfume bottles. I made these many years ago for Francesca, the lady of my Tuscan Villa.
She has been quite a collector for many years and she's been very proud of owning s many wonderful perfume bottles from all over the world

:) :) :) :)

As you can see, all you need is a good stash of beads and a few bead caps and other small jewellery findings and you're ready to go

You've probably already guessed that this little bedside table is in a girl's room, lol .... yes, it is in fact Emma's room in the Grosvenor Hall Dollhouse and she's crazy about cristal perfume bottles .... expensive taste, the little lady

And here are some more bottles I made with beads and jewellry findings ..... these atomizers are really cute, found them in a dollhouse shop online (I think)
Stop laughing, I can't possibly remember everything ... at my age 

I filled this shelf with DIY bottles too, but given their size, they might be used in a bar or simply as decorative items around your dollhouse. They're a little too big to be perfume bottles, lol

More to come, so stay tuned

See ya

DIY Quilling

Hi everybody

maybe some of you out there don't know much or maybe even anything about quilling ..... that was my case too, I had absolutely no idea what quilling even meant

I stumbled upon a video tutorial on youtube while searching on how to make miniature bowls and that's where I first learned about the quilling technique. It so happens that you can make wonderful things with this technique, not just in miniature

After watching a few tutorials and also after some more intense research on the Internet, I decided to give it try and ordered the few items I needed to get started

here's how my first quilled miniature bowls turned out .... quilling, shaping, adding some glue, painting, a coat of gloss and voilà

well .... the quilling itself is of course a fiddly job, especially when you're making minis, but I guess every miniaturist will learn to use that technique quickly, because we're used to deal with tiny tiny things, aren't we


if you need help, you should check out some videos on youtube about quilling, 
there are a few helpful ones

I'll practice some more .... haha

See ya ...


DIY Clear Vanity/Soap/Shampoo bottles, blue version

Hello my miniature friends

I'm guessing that you've often wondered how to make these beautiful soap/shampoo bottles for the dollhouse bathroom, don't you ? 

WELL ...... same here !! I just love them and as a sworn DIY'er, I wanted to make my own
I spend hours on the Internet before I finally found a really good tutorial on how to make them

So, first of all,  here's the link where the idea came from, thanks a lot to Lisa for sharing it

and here's my first try at making them ... I started with the blue version

More will follow, probably pink and clear
so stay tuned

See ya ...
