About Me

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I've been into dollhouse miniatures since the early 1990's now and when I realized how much I've learned during that time, I thought I'd make a blog to share my knowledge with others. I'm mostly auto-deduct, but always found help on the Internet and in specific books. The mini-world starts and ends with your own imagination, so let there be no limit. And never say : I CAN'T .... because you can, you just need to try and have the necessary know-how. And that's the main reason why I started this blog, because I wanna share what I know with newbies in the miniature world or anybody else who might be interested in sharing what I've learned so far. So, hopefully, I'll be able to provide some useful hints, tips and tricks for those of you out there just starting with this wonderful hobby

June 17, 2017

The Lavender Shop : bottles, soaps and more


As you can see in this picture below, everything is slowly coming together.

The shop itself was a gift from my husband for our wedding day in May 💜💜💜

I'm not sure if all the shelves are in their right place, but we'll see.
There's not that much space anyway, so that doesn't leave me that many possibilities.

Anyway I've decided to take a few things outside, since the weather is always nice in Provence and there's no problem to move a few smaller desks outside, I'll probably do that

This is a quick view of the interior

I will post more picture of the empty shop so that you can see better how I painted the walls
... by the way, the lower part of the walls has been made with popsicle sticks, simulating wood.

See what I mean by moving a few things outside :-)

This is a box with all sorts of testers for my customers, already featured in a previous post
I made this table to display it either inside or outside my shop, but somehow, I think the legs are a tiny bitt oo high ..... hm, we'll see

I made jam out of hot glue gun sticks, the color is nail polish
But I'm not yet happy with the lids, I probably have to cut those with my machine, 
cutting them by hand, as you can see in the picture, leaves them a bit uneven and I hate that


This is lavender syrup, filled in real tiny glass jars, with fresh fruit

I used my canes to add the fruit and although you don't really see them in this picture, 
believe me, the fruit is in there


Sweets with lavender are very common in Provence, like chocolate or, like in this picture,
in "meringues" and "nougat"


A few bottles I made

I also made different shapes of gift boxes and they are all filled of course


In the soap corner, these tiny little golden metal boxes are filled 
with homemade soaps (made with polymer clay and Kemper cutters)

Just one example of a shelf nicely filled

The perfume corner 
I will make a seperate post for this one with more detailed pics

Hand creme .... still gotta work on those 

Shopping bags

Scented bags

... and a few more bottles

I made different displays for my bottles etc., all made with cardboard, 
same as the one I used for the furniture

Another shelf nicely filled

Here are just a few examples of the boxes I made with my own design
This was quite some work on the computer
but it was worth it

Come back soon for more

See ya

June 16, 2017

The Lavender Shop : The Candle Corner

Hello my friends

Here I am again, back with a few new pics of my Lavender Shop.
Today I want to show you the Candle Corner. 

I made a few candles in different shapes and sizes, all with Lavender scent of course 😄

We also have a nice DIY shelf as well as a few cute displays to show off the different items
This is the first miniature project where I really make everything myself and it's sooooo much more fun than just buying things and put them inside a room, believe me

I also made candle holders, with a vintage look, made out of beads and all sorts of jewellery making bits and pieces

See ya

This is the shelf that I made for the candle corner
As usual, when it came to fill it, I had to many items ... lol

Candles in different shapes, made of Fimo (polymer clay)

... all with lavender scent of course :-), well, at least in my imagination

... and they all have their own little display box

And here are the vintage candle holders

and last but not least, the most popular onces

Have fun