About Me

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I've been into dollhouse miniatures since the early 1990's now and when I realized how much I've learned during that time, I thought I'd make a blog to share my knowledge with others. I'm mostly auto-deduct, but always found help on the Internet and in specific books. The mini-world starts and ends with your own imagination, so let there be no limit. And never say : I CAN'T .... because you can, you just need to try and have the necessary know-how. And that's the main reason why I started this blog, because I wanna share what I know with newbies in the miniature world or anybody else who might be interested in sharing what I've learned so far. So, hopefully, I'll be able to provide some useful hints, tips and tricks for those of you out there just starting with this wonderful hobby

November 23, 2017

Easy DIY items


As many of you following my blog probably already know, I've become a DIYer over the years and I really really enjoy it

With the help of YOUTUBE, PINTEREST or other BLOGS and of course my own imagination, it has become a must to no longer buy miniatures, but first try to make them myself

I mean, where's the fun in simply buying an item and place it somewhere in your dollhouse ?

Here are a few examples of what I made over the last weeks
(Text is below each pic)

NB : these are NOT tutorials, just a few quick explanations, so feel free to get in touch (email me at dmzminiatures@gmail.com) should you require more detailed information on how I make my DIY items, I’ll be happy to share

Or just wait for the tutorial, I just started to work on those and will post some from time to time

Here's the link to the 1st one I already published (it's a separate page on my blog, you'll find it on the start page at your left, scrolling down just a bit, right next to the last post.



On the wall of my shabby boutique, you see a few examples of what I made myself, there's a wall clock and a couple of frames.
Frames are fairly easy to make, you can buy one and make a mold of it and them make "copies" with plaster ..... that's one method

But I will write a seperate post to show you my own method .... a bit fiddly but still easy to do

On this table, you see a few lamps I made .... I'm not really happy with the result, meaning I gotta keep working on those, but I'm retty sure they will turn out OK next time
The bowls on the lower part of the table and the jug are also DIY items

I love to add details to my furniture .... does anybody have an idea on how I made these ???


I made the box on top, the canisters, the bottles and the tableware

Canisters are easy to make, there are different methods though
For the ones you see here, I used a pieces of wooden dowels, glued an old button on top and 
painted them. Once the paint is dry, just added a bead on top

Instead of simply painting them, you can also print out some nice paper and glue it on, 
gives quite a nice finish too

These vintage shabby looking candle holders are made with all sorts of beads, bead caps, head pins etc and just painted once the glue has dried

This basket can be made in unde 30 minutes .... the base can be either a thin piece of wood or some matboard, whatever you have in your stash. The basket itself is made with a piece of embroidery canvas. I painted it and once the paint was dry, I added some fabric to give the inside a more finished look. For the handles, you may use either braided ones, like I did, or leather strips or even some made with fabric

Another cute little shopping basket made with almost the same method
I used matboard for the base, embroidery canvas for the basket itself
This time, I left it white and just added some details with fabric, a silk rose and some rhinstones

Tiny tables made with a chesspiece (head cut off, lol) and a simple round piece of wood

I just love those vintage looking signs ..... these are simply printed on some matt photo paper (after downsizing them to 1:12th scale of course)
The frames are made with matboard, painted and aged to give them the vintage look and once dry, I just glued the signs I cut out onto the board

TIP : what I often do in order to keep the colors of everything I print out for as long as possible, I simply put some clear tape over it before cutting out

First I'd like to give you the link to Julie Warren's youtube channel, you just have to check it out

The idea for this cute little shabby looking suitcase is from one of Julie's videos
She is a very talented miniaturist and her videos are great

Maybe you have some of these battery operated Xmas light lying around somewhere ?

Well if you do, here's what you can make with those ..... light up your miniature rooms

I hope you enjoyed this post, please come back soon for more

See ya
👀 👀 👀