About Me

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I've been into dollhouse miniatures since the early 1990's now and when I realized how much I've learned during that time, I thought I'd make a blog to share my knowledge with others. I'm mostly auto-deduct, but always found help on the Internet and in specific books. The mini-world starts and ends with your own imagination, so let there be no limit. And never say : I CAN'T .... because you can, you just need to try and have the necessary know-how. And that's the main reason why I started this blog, because I wanna share what I know with newbies in the miniature world or anybody else who might be interested in sharing what I've learned so far. So, hopefully, I'll be able to provide some useful hints, tips and tricks for those of you out there just starting with this wonderful hobby

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March 2, 2012


PRINTABLES to use in your dollhouse and miniature projects are widely available on the Internet (and the best thing is that they are mostly free) 
It's a great source if you want to make your own stuff instead of buying everything. And you can personalize your projects by using your own family photos to make an album f.ex.
These are really fun projects.


 If you want to use your own pictures to create a miniature photo album for your dollhouse, scan your pictures or import them to your computer directly from your digital camera or cell phone. Second step would be to get them to the correct size. If you're not sure about the size, just measure a real photo and divide by 12 ..... 😀😀 easy peasy

 After that comes the printing part of course. It is useful to have a good printer at home in order to have a good quality end result, otherwise, the people in your mini pictures will be completely unrecognizable.

But the picture above shows an album which I found on a website for free printables, for personal use only of course. Use your search engine with the terms MINIATURE DOLLHOUSE FREE PRINTABLES and you should be able to find quite a lot.


As you can see I made several albums :-) because with these free printables it's really easy and fast, just needs a little cutting out and some glue and a calm hand of course. I also made a little pile of postcards and some travel guides, which have all found their place in my cute little travel memory box (shown on a previous post)


Another very good source for printable is a website where you can buy the printable projects and only need to finish them with some glue. That way you can avoid the parts where you have to downsize, print and cut out

I added the link in the "LINKS" departement, look for PRINTMINI.COM
It's worth to take a look, they have lots of wonderful mini things 

Enjoy and stay tuned ....

See ya

February 26, 2012

DIY : making a modern bed

Hi there

Even though I'm not so much into that modern minimalistic furniture, neither in real life, nor in my miniature world, I slowly started to like it when I worked on my Malibu Beach Dollhouse

This cute little bed took me less than an hour to finish, once I had decided what it should look like. It's a simple piece of balsa wood (left-over from a previous project), cut to the size of a double bed in 1:12 scale and covered with leather. Same procedure for the back piece. Once the leather is glued on, you gotta wait a bit for it to dry (with a special fabric glue, this goes fast enough). You then glue the 2 pieces together. 

By the way, the leather goes all around the back piece, but the part "under" the bed is covered with wood. Then you just take 4 little wooden blocks (available at most craft and hobby shops in different sizes) color them with the color of your choice and glue them on. For the mattress, you may use a piece of foam or anything similar, cover it with fabric and you're done. 

This beautiful dressing you see in this pic was not made by me, I bought it, just couldn't resist :-))  (elfminiatures) A wonderful resource if you're into modern miniatures and a very friendly and good service. 

Look in my LINKS section for elfminiatures

Stay tuned, there's more to come

See ya

DIY Food (Polymer Clay) : Salads

So, here's another little post about my polymer clay food creations

This picture isn't very good, I'm sorry, but I do have a new iPhone (7plus) now and the pictures will be better in the future, I promise

I made some salads, with salmon, chicken or just vegetables (for the vegegarians, lol)

The slizes of onion, tomato, paprika and cucumber are not made by me, since I still haven't managed to make these canes


some of these food items ended up in my beach bar and restaurant

Stay tuned, 'cause you know, there's always more

See ya

DIY Food (Polymer Clay) : Pizza

Hi there

I've been afraid of polymer clay for years, at least when it came to making miniature food with it.
I tried several times, but it all just ended up in the trash

But at some point, I said to myself : come on Dany, you can do it, just give it another try

And before I started ... again ... I checked out a few useful and very helpful videos on Youtube and other tutorials 

(by the way, at this point, I'd like to thank all those wonderful people out there who are willing to share their knowledge with the rest of us, for free ... thank you so much)

and suddenly I got going and I just couldn't stop, it's highly addictive, so be warned


Here's a picture of the pizza's I've made, they look very appetizing to me

There' more Fimo Food to come, so stay tuned

See ya