Hi my friends
I always babble so much about my DIY items, so today, this post is about showing you how and where all these things ended up
In this pic you can see many many things I've either made or just pimped up a little bit
I made the 2 paintings on the left wall (didn't actually paint them, lol, just using my own technique for paintings to add to the walls) I made the mirror above the bed, painted and filled the chest, pimped up the bed and made the desk on the right out of scratch, as well as the luggage case in the back on the right
Here's one of the side tables I made, added a few dried flowers in a vase, candles I made with beads and a little pot or whatever you wanna call, could be anything really :-)
A nicely set table
Another painting and a pimped up dresser
My canisters, DIY boarders, painting etc
The famous paper plates, lol
A few of the dining room
Bowl and Kitchen Canisters
A little basket for the wine bottles
A closer look at the paintings .... and the DIY bedding
A dresser made entirely out of scratch
The chest filled with all sorts of DIY items
The little room in the attic with the child's bed and toys from when she was very very little
She's a grow-up now and does no longer live with her parents
I changed the fireplace later, this one just didn't look ok to me
I also made the little basket for the fire wood
Candles .... made with beads, some air-dry clay and a little wire
Another little pot that might contain anything you want or could just be used as a decoration object
The pimped bathroom furniture
Since I made so many of these vanity/soap/shampoo bottles, I added some to my little bathroom here
And a few more from the blue series, as well as another painting
As you can see from this post, it's worth trying your hand at making all sorts of things for your dollhouse yourself, it's really rewarding and you can also be proud of yourself
See ya soon