These are the colors I've decided to use for the interior and exterior of the shop (french bakery) and tea room above. The exterior colors remind me a lot of what I saw in Provence (France), a place I absolutely love :-) ...... just like Tuscany in Italy 💓💕💗💓💕💗
The floor tiles (black, white and grey) are for the shop (ground floor), I haven't decided yet on the final look, but I'll make up something when the times comes. The floor in the tea room upstairs will most certainly be wood, because it gives a tea room a cosy touch and I want my customers to feel welcome there.
The 3rd pic shows leftovers from wallpaper we used in our (real) house and although I'm not sure which one it will be, I'm pretty sure some of them will end up in my shop
TIP for tile floors
there are many different sorts of tiles to use in a dollhouse, depending on the material you are using, but whatever your choice is gonna be, don't start right away with gluing them (baaaaad idea :-) because if you make a mistake or simply change your mind, it will be rather difficult to undo, mostly ending with damage and a bad mood. Take your time and enjoy trying different possibilities.
Once you've made up your mind, measure your floor and cut out a piece of cardboard (not too thick) the same size, to fit your room. I then use double sided tape and start gluing my tiled to the cardboard.
Once all the tiles are done, I also use double sided tape to glue the finished floor to my room, because should I one day decide to change the flooring, believe me, it's so much easier to do that when you've used tape instead of glue
See ya .... soon