Hi everone and welcome back to my blog
Today I'd like to talk a little bit about printables. I will add a few links to my personal favourite websites for dollhouse and miniature printables at the end of this post
There are soooo many things you can make for your miniature rooms with printables, I don't even know where to start.
There is even furniture that can be made entirely or partially with printables. That's something I've never tried so far, because I simply don't like it, but that's of course a personal opinion and you should definitely check it out
The basics you'll need to make your own printables are of course a computer and a good printer.
Either you're a MAC user like myself or a WINDOWS user, doesn't matter, both have very good options to make your own printies.
On the MAC, I'm using PAGES. This is were I copy and paste my printies into. Uusally, printables for dollhouse miniatures are already the correct size, but even if you choose to use other images from the WEB (like some pictures to make your own posters f.ex.), it's really not difficult to downsize them. For the beginners, always remember this in case you're getting confused about the size : look at the real thing, measure it, and divide by 12 and you should be ok.
The choice of paper to print your designs on to depends of course on what you're gonne use them for.
Should you print tiny little lables for wine bottles, perfume or shampoo bottles, etc. I suggest you're using a simply copy paper. For printies that are going to be used as posters f.ex., I'm using photo paper (glossy or matt, your choice). There's also a special cardboard (160 gr per sheet) that can be put into most printers these days. But please check your printer before putting that in, you don't wanna ruin it, don't you
Here are a few pics of what I did with printables
OK, I'll stop now ... 😊😊😊 ... don't wanna take the risk of boring you
Here's a short list of what you can do with printables :
Flooring (tiles, wood, etc.)
Bricks and Stones
All sorts of grocery products
Photos, Posters and Paintings
All sorts of boxes
Gift bags and wrapping paper
Shop Signs
Computers, laptobs, tablets
All sorts of Labels
The list is endless, but the links I added below should help you get started, so just enjoy browsing around and have fun with your printable projects.
Have fun
See ya