Hello there and welcome to my new followers
Good to have you here, I'm sure you'll enjoy browsing through my blog, if you're a
miniature lover like I am
Some time ago, I purchased 2 DVD's called A MINI DAY AT THE BEACH 1+2 (available from Ashdown) where the late Joyce Dean shares a lot of very useful tutorials if you wanna make accessories for beach scene
Of course, this DVD came in handy for my beach shop project 😃😄😃😄
The one I like the most was the PICNIC BASKET, so I just had to try it out. Here's the result and if you like it, I do have the patterns in a PDF file and I'm more than happy to share. Feel free to either leave a comment here or contact me directly at my email (dmzminiatures@gmail.com)
If you liked this project, come back soon, there's more to come
See ya