Hi everybody
Today I'm going to talk about sea shells, very tiny one's of course, since this is about making miniatures for you dollhouses.
Every time we spend a holiday on a beach, I do of course look around for these very very small shells, but they're hard to find.
A friend from my old office brought me some and they were really the perfet size. But there are some hobby and craft shops who also carry them in different sizes, I even stumbled upon an online shop specialized in all sorts of sea shells and other beach and sea related items.
Well, there is an awful lot of things that you can make with those tiny tiny little sea shells. I had a jar full of those, some I collected on beached during our holidays, some I bought on the Internet, so I had enough to start thinking about what to do with them ...... to fit in my beach shop
I started with a mirror and a couple of paintings, I filled tiny jars with the smallest one's, as well as a little basket, because those are something that the tourist often want to buy and take home as a souvenir :-)
PS : The mirror is not yet finished in this picture, sorry about that
have fun trying these projects, easy peasy
Here's another cute idea what you can do with these tiny shells :
I made a small table, the stand is an old chess piece, head cut off of course and the top is a simple round piece of wood (available at most craft shops and on Amazon, comes in packages of 50 or 100)
painted it and added some golden glitter.
I then took one of the bowls I made and filled it with the shells I also painted with some glitter before.
This cute little table ended up in the bathroom of my Mountfield Dollhouse.
Enjoy trying this
See ya ......