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I've been into dollhouse miniatures since the early 1990's now and when I realized how much I've learned during that time, I thought I'd make a blog to share my knowledge with others. I'm mostly auto-deduct, but always found help on the Internet and in specific books. The mini-world starts and ends with your own imagination, so let there be no limit. And never say : I CAN'T .... because you can, you just need to try and have the necessary know-how. And that's the main reason why I started this blog, because I wanna share what I know with newbies in the miniature world or anybody else who might be interested in sharing what I've learned so far. So, hopefully, I'll be able to provide some useful hints, tips and tricks for those of you out there just starting with this wonderful hobby

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Blog Archive

April 23, 2017

The Lavender Shop : vintage candle holders

Hello everyone

Allthough they aren't entirely finished, I just wanted to allow you a little glimpse at the
vintage candle holders I made

I still need to make the candles and add a finishing touch, but they start to look good already

They are made of all sorts of jewellery findings, caps, metal beads, etc.

I'm using these long head pins to keep everything together and once the glue has set, I simply add some color (acrylic paint does the job, no problem)

That's why I leave the top of the pin at that stage, in order to have something to hold it while painting. This can be cut off once you're done of course.

I always leave a few mm, because it's a good way to hold the candle 
(which I make with Polymer Clay)

I used ecru, putting one just 1 layer of color, so that the metal still looks through at least a bit.

Once it is dry, I just add a tiny little bit of wood stain and here's the result

Hope you like 'em

they will look much better of course once the candles are added
so stay tuned, there's more to come

*** UPDATE *** UPDATE ***
June 26th, 2017

This is the final result ..... hm, now that I look at the picture, I do realize that the candles
aren't very straight 😏😏😏😏

I made that little table do display the candle holders later in the front window of my shop

Come back soon ... I'm not finished yet

See ya

The Lavender Shop : decorating with bottles and more (update)

Hi there

In order to fill my Lavender Shop, I do not only need to make items that fit into boxes, but also bottles with all sorts of "liquids"

For now I've tried to make a few bottles with beads and other jewellery findings

The one's in the picture contain Lavender Scented laundry liquid, called "Eau de Linge", 
something you simply add into your washing machine when doing your laundry.
And there is another one called "Adoucissant", to make the laundry soft
and of course with Lavender Scent too.

I also added the labels to the bottles containing bath salt (Sel de Bain) and made a jug and some lavender to embellish the scene a little bit

The picture below gives you an idea of the size, just look at the pencil


Next up will be soap bottles made with resin and empty gel capsules, this is gonna take some time, to be patient please

*** UPDATE *** UPDATE ***
June 26th, 2017

As you can see in the pictures below, my work on decorating my shelves went well .... so far
Of course, these little things haven't found their right place yet .... but no worries here, they will .... soooooooon


In the picture above, we have towels, neatly rolled and attached in a set of 2, bath salt in real glass jars, a jug, a box with a table cloth and matching napkins, a gift box and a shopping bag on the right

Here's another little display I made for perfume bottles, and a jug filled with lavender 
(made from Flower Soft)

This table is going to be the display for all my perfume bottles ..... still moving everything around, lol
Needless to say that all these items are DIY

The box of nougat is filled of course

I made a bigger shelf and started to fill it with different things, some in real glass jars (found those on Amazon), which I embellished with my own labels and some satin bows, some in my own boxes, some in  bowls I made with polymer clay, other in displays I made.

Once you know how to make these bottles, you just keep going ..... believe me, it's kinda addictive


Stay tuned for more

See ya

The Lavender Shop : finishing my 1st piece of furniture made with card (or mat board)

Good Morning to you all

I hope you're all enjoying your sunday, doing whatever you love to do, hopefully with your loved ones round you

As usual, I work on my minis and there's no Sunday to stop me 😄😄😄

In my last post, I showed you the little shelf I made with card board (or is it mat board ? ..... puh, I just never know the difference)

Since the last pictures you've seen here, it has changed quite a bit and I'd like to say it is ready to find a place in the shop ..... haha, that does not yet exist 😂😂😂

I gave it a 1st layer of paint with wood stain, but only very little, because I was afraid the card might suck up to much of the liquid and maybe would no longer hold together or so.
But I was lucky, no such thing happened

After that coat was dry (it does dry very quickly), I applied a bit of lavender acrylic paint, but not with a brush, but a piece of cloth (and gloves of course) and once that was dry, another layer (again with a piece of cloth) of egg shell acrylic paint

I wanted to make this shelf look really old, vintage, with a touch of shabby chic.
Once the result looked good (to me at least), I took out my distress ink mini pads and started to give it the old aged look. When everything was dry, I just sanded it again, but only very slightly, and gave it a coat of matt finishing spray. This does not make it look shiny, because I didn't want that on such an od vintage piece, but it helps to fix the colors 

So here's the result, let's see what you think :

After the 1st coat of wood stain (dilluted with a little water)
and remember not to apply too much

Then the second coat of acrylic color (lavender of course)

And the 3rd coat of egg shell acrylic color
(always applied with an old piece of cloth)

After the "aging" treatment with the Distress Ink Pad
(you can of course achive the same result by appliying Wood Stain again, but you should be 
careful doing that, if you apply too much, it will cover up all you color applied previously)

Doesn't look t bad, huh ??

Of course, I needed to add something with my new designed logo on it
... as you can see, this little shelf is gonna be "Le coin des savons", which literally means
"The Soap Corner"

Adding a few little details and voilà .... aahhhh ..... me happy


See ya