Hello everyone
Allthough they aren't entirely finished, I just wanted to allow you a little glimpse at the
vintage candle holders I made
I still need to make the candles and add a finishing touch, but they start to look good already
They are made of all sorts of jewellery findings, caps, metal beads, etc.
I'm using these long head pins to keep everything together and once the glue has set, I simply add some color (acrylic paint does the job, no problem)
That's why I leave the top of the pin at that stage, in order to have something to hold it while painting. This can be cut off once you're done of course.
I always leave a few mm, because it's a good way to hold the candle
(which I make with Polymer Clay)
I used ecru, putting one just 1 layer of color, so that the metal still looks through at least a bit.
Once it is dry, I just add a tiny little bit of wood stain and here's the result
Hope you like 'em
they will look much better of course once the candles are added
so stay tuned, there's more to come
*** UPDATE *** UPDATE ***
June 26th, 2017
This is the final result ..... hm, now that I look at the picture, I do realize that the candles
aren't very straight 😏😏😏😏
I made that little table do display the candle holders later in the front window of my shop
Come back soon ... I'm not finished yet
See ya