Today's post is about giving you some ideas on how to decorate the interior of your dollhouse by adding your very own personal touches, either to the furniture or by adding accessories if all shorts
This little self is a good example. It's one of those unpainted, unfinished pieces of furniture. They come already assembled, you just need to paint them. And as you probably have already noticed, I love to keep a color scheme in each room, lol.
I chose to paint this one in a bright red. When the paint is dry I always love to add some glossy varnish in order to protect the color, but also to give it that nice shiny look.
I added some details with those self adhesive stickers, which are widely available at mos t craft and hobby stores. I made a few cute bottles with glass beads which I glued to a little tray. I added one of my DIY flowers (from a kit) and filled the shelf with a beautiful tea set and there you have it
Unfortunately you don't see them very well, but when I made the table for the TV, I added floor tiles to the top .... just another idea of how you can make your own tables
The sofa table has a piece of the same wallpaper on top as the one I used for the walls in this room.
I just covered in with some plexy glass and some lace ribbon all around.
On top of the table, there are two glasses filled with cognac, the cognac bottle, an ashtray with a cigar in it and few more bottles I made myself.
I added a nicely folded blanket in this corner of the sofa, because I always wanna cuddle up under a blanket when I watch TV or just sit down with a book enjoying a glass of champagne. I made this book (about gardening) and put it on the blanket and yet again, a nice little setting is done.
Make a few magazines (cover and back only, since they will probably stay in the chest here) and add them to your miniature scene
Make your own wall clock to add to one of your rooms
This one here was really very simple, I just used a metal charm from Rayher and printed a clock from a picture on the Internet and that's about it
First I painted the chest, then I painted and aged the 2 old shutters and the base for a nice miniature scene was there. I then made a frame with plaster from one of my DIY molds, added a mirror and a few other of my DIY items on top of the chest and again, a beautiful decoration is ready
I made these chairs and tables for the tearoom of my french bakery
You see, the possibilites are endless, your imagination should have no limits here
See ya