About Me

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I've been into dollhouse miniatures since the early 1990's now and when I realized how much I've learned during that time, I thought I'd make a blog to share my knowledge with others. I'm mostly auto-deduct, but always found help on the Internet and in specific books. The mini-world starts and ends with your own imagination, so let there be no limit. And never say : I CAN'T .... because you can, you just need to try and have the necessary know-how. And that's the main reason why I started this blog, because I wanna share what I know with newbies in the miniature world or anybody else who might be interested in sharing what I've learned so far. So, hopefully, I'll be able to provide some useful hints, tips and tricks for those of you out there just starting with this wonderful hobby

December 26, 2013


Hi everybody

Because I'm not working much on my minis right now (but don't worry, this will be over around January 15th and I'll finally go on with my beach shop and bar/restaurant project), I want my blog to be visited as much as possible and therefore I'm posting a few new pics my husband made recently. A couple of years back, I was offered a cute little kit which I turned into a summer retreat for my dollhouse people who usually live in the city and I thought they might need a calm place where they can retreat during the summer weekends.

Just enjoy the tour and feel free to leave any comments.


Just for fun ….. I found this cute little VESPA model on Amazon and since it has the right size, I just couldn't resist buying it and I thought this little project here was just perfect to add it to

The kit had this cute roof terrace which does have a lot of space, compared to the actual living area

I made a lot of flowers and plants to add to this terrace, the part on the left front is used as a sun lounge, then there's the corner (in the middle) with 2 chairs 
and a little outdoor oven for chilly evenings

The right corner is the outdoor kitchen, with a BBQ and a neat place to eat

I had some burgers and hot dogs leftovers from another projects, 
they came in handy here to fill my BBQ

As I said before, the living space area is quite small, it has in fact only 1 room, although there is a little separation between the living and dining area and the kitchen

But it doesn't necessarily have to be a big project in order to have fun making it :-)

If you take a closer look at the pictures, there are a lot of funny details, like these 2 coffee cups I found in a tourist shop in NYC once with our names on it (Danielle and Ronald).
I also made the Ferrero Rocher's myself :-))

I made this rack with plexiglass and mirror pieces and simply glued it to the wall and added glasses, bottles, vases etc.

When I found the leopard print wallpaper, there was actually the same fabric that came with it and I used it to make 2 chairs to fit into the living room.

The Kitchen ….. I had actually bought a kitchen to fit in here but when I tried it, 
it was about 1 1/2 cm to large and I couldn't use it so I decided to give it a try and made this one here myself and I think it actually hasn't turned out that bad, what do you think ??

When I look at the pics, I'm actually quite proud of myself :-))) ..... it's not perfect, but for a 1st try at making an entire kitchen myself, well I'd say it could have turned out much worse

Stay tuned, there's more to come

See ya 