Hi there
Now that I know that all the yummie things I'm gonna sell in my bakery, it's time to paint the shelves, don't you think 👌👍
This is what I started with : a naked, unfinished piece of furniture
Here's what it lookes like after painting ... I stayed with a very light mix of yellow and ochre, because the walls in my shop are already very colorful and because I want the customers to concentrate on what's gonna be IN the shelves, not their color
This is what it looks like after adding a few details, gold trims, etc
and here's more or less the final result .... I painted a few plain white corner stones with gold and I'm gonna add the lace to all the compartments of course
Another idea I had was to use small pieces of the reddish wallpaper I used in the room, to give the shelves a really personal note. What do you think ?
Here's the completed and nicely filles shelf
And finally, these are the 2 smaller shelves I finished today
Come back soon
See ya ...