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I've been into dollhouse miniatures since the early 1990's now and when I realized how much I've learned during that time, I thought I'd make a blog to share my knowledge with others. I'm mostly auto-deduct, but always found help on the Internet and in specific books. The mini-world starts and ends with your own imagination, so let there be no limit. And never say : I CAN'T .... because you can, you just need to try and have the necessary know-how. And that's the main reason why I started this blog, because I wanna share what I know with newbies in the miniature world or anybody else who might be interested in sharing what I've learned so far. So, hopefully, I'll be able to provide some useful hints, tips and tricks for those of you out there just starting with this wonderful hobby

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January 25, 2017

MY SCRAPBOOK SHOP : Let's take a Tour

Hello my fellow followers

welcome back to my blog

I'm still updating a few olders posts and today I felt like showing you my scrapbook shop again

Once upon a day, in a place far far away ....... what ?? oh no, sorry, that's not what I wanted to say


Let's be serious, haha ..... so one day I was browsing through the DVD's available at www.hobbyworld.tv, just to see what was new. And I discovered a DVD where the late Joyce Dean explained how to make your own little Scrapbook Shop. I admit, at that time, I wasn't even really sure about what a "Scrapbook Shop" was supposed to be. So I decided to buy it and take a look ...... and I was hooked right away. It took me almost 10 months to finish the entire project (and I work full-time, so as you can imagine, this leaves little time for my hobby), 
but it was worth every minute I spend on it.

And I'm proud to say that an article about my little shop was featured in the February 2011 issue of AMERICAN MINIATURIST magazine :-))))))

***** Search for it under the label AMERICAN MINIATURIST MAGAZINE *****

In this little picture, a customer is browsing through the many magazines I carry in my shop. The magazine rack including all the magazines have been made by me.

This is a bird's eye view of the entire shop. It took me several months to complete it, because there was really a lot of research to do on the Internet. I had to find online shops to be able to reproduce the items I needed in my shop. So for weeks and weeks, 
all I did was copy/paste, resize, print out, cut and glue.

I admit I was kinda happy when this part of the job was done and I could start with the shop itself.
It has been entirely made with leftover wood I had from previous projects. The door and windows are items that I always have on stock, because you never know .... :)

This is a nice view of the front of my shop. Poor guys, they have to wait outside, their girlfriends are still inside the shop. I think the owner knew why she put that bench right in front of her shop :-)

I also made little shopping bags with the name of the shop on them and both guys have one next to them .... well filled of course

The owner evidently spends a lot of time in her shop and she needs a little working area for her paper work. This is just an idea of what you can do.

Again, this was a piece of unfinished, unpainted desk when I purchased it
This leaves everything open to your imagination

This customer seems to enjoy the great choice of scrapbook paper in my shop

Once the shop was assembled, it was very difficult to get good pictures

Another corner of my shop

This lady is walking straight up to the embellishment compartment where she will most certainly find whatever she needs.

In a seperate post, I will show you more detailed pictures of all the items I made, so isn't this a good reason to come back

See ya soooooon


  1. this blows my mind!!! that's a LOT of work, did the dvd give you printies or anything to help with the project?

    1. Hi Chris
      thank you for this lovely comment. In fact the DVD was great as a tutorial on how to make many items, but other than that, I did all the printing and cutting out myself
      Hope to see you here again soon

  2. The shop is awesome I can see why the magazine wanted to do an article! I think I will get one of those DVDs. Now my dolls are bugging me to go shopping there! :-)

  3. Realmente una tienda muy bien surtida,hay de todo y en abundancia,no falta detalle! Tus clientes estarán encantados!!!!
    Felicidades por la publicación en la revista!!!

    1. Hello Pilar ... I'm not sure I understood everything you wrote, lol .... but thanks anyway

  4. Wow, the scrapbook shop is amazing!
