About Me

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I've been into dollhouse miniatures since the early 1990's now and when I realized how much I've learned during that time, I thought I'd make a blog to share my knowledge with others. I'm mostly auto-deduct, but always found help on the Internet and in specific books. The mini-world starts and ends with your own imagination, so let there be no limit. And never say : I CAN'T .... because you can, you just need to try and have the necessary know-how. And that's the main reason why I started this blog, because I wanna share what I know with newbies in the miniature world or anybody else who might be interested in sharing what I've learned so far. So, hopefully, I'll be able to provide some useful hints, tips and tricks for those of you out there just starting with this wonderful hobby

February 15, 2015

DIY : A trick to make your own Bowls

Hi everyone

Today I'd like to talk about a easy way to make your own bowl, which can later have many different purposes in your dollhouses and other miniature projects

The bowls are made of empty chocolate moulds (Toffifee, don't know if you all know those ... they taste great by the way 😍😎), some plaster (the kind available in Hobby shops), acrylic colors, some deco objects and varnish ..... and some ideas of course.

They can be simple deco objects in your dollhouse or being used as salad and/or fruit bowls or whatever comes to your mind

There are the famous molds, just get all your friends to eat the chocolates and you'll have quite a good stock soon, thats what I did ....... πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

Take 2 molds, mix some plaster with water according to the instructions on the package (the final result should be something between not too thick but not too runny either, a little bit like melted ice cream) .... yeah I know, this sounds stupid, but you all know what I mean


Fill the 1st mold with the mixture (about halfway through) and push the second mold right down on top. Don't worry about some of the mixture coming out. Just think about putting something underneath before you start to protect your work table, I use kitchen paper that I can just throw away.

Let them dry over night !!!! You should have no trouble getting them out of the mold and even if some don't come out or break, don't worry, you can make as many as you like

This is what they look like once the come out of the molds. All you need to do is sand the edges in order to make your bowls look even 
(the edges ???? yeah, sounds weired for something round, doesn't it ?

Here's a peak at the first onces I finished ..... aren't they cute ? I even sold a few of those, ha

this picture gives you a good idea of the size ..... just erfect to fit a 1:12th scale miniature project

a few close-up's to show you more detail

this one has just been painted .... I always add a glossy finish once the color has dried

another one with just paint

paint and some rhinestones

paint and flowers using decals

Decals again ..... a very good thing for someone like me who could never paint 
such a tiny flower on my own

Stay tuned for more DIY tips and tricks

See ya