Hi there
Today I thought I might share a few pictures of the music room I made for my husband.
In fact I made this room many years ago, when I was still sort of a beginner to the miniature world.
Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of the older version, so I can only who you the remake (it's been a few years again that I did the makeover, but still, it's kinda fun to share
Once I had remover the old wallpaper and flooring, I starting by repainting the interior and adding a wooden floor. For the ceiling and the top of both side walls, I used glossy photo paper. It was a risk, I know, but I like that glossy look on my walls. On the lower part of the side walls, I added self adhesive paper that looks like marble. And then I simply painted some wood moldings red, just like the cornice and the back wall and the first step was done
Adding a few details (you can buy these architectural details, made of plaster, in almost every dollhouse store online)
Did the same on the opposite wall of course
Starting to put in the furniture : the 2 armchairs are not DIY items, I purchases those, but the table and the shelf are my own creations, as well as the pictures on the wall
I added a camera and an old grammophone as well as a few old disks to play on it
If he doesn't feel like making music, he can always read a magazine, play some chess with one of his buddies or simply enjoy a drink
There everything my musician needs : guitars, a piano, even a saxophone (seen on the chair on the previous picture)
A little room for books and a few bottles were a must :)
Almost done .....
Yep, here it is, with a nice glass front to avoid getting it too dusty
Hope you liked this little tour of one of my older projects
See ya
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